I Shop Easily was started on 29th January 2020. I Shop Easily is an Online Marketing Agency with the aim of providing easy access for customers to shop their favourite products from the own branded Ecommerce Shops, online wholesale suppliers, manufacturers and online reputed E-Commerce Companies on one marketing platform, I Shop Easily. Here the products are put for sale, advertised and reviews are given to make your shopping an easier and a happier experience.
About I Shop Easily (ISE)
You might have heard of LIC Agency, Oriflame and Herbalife Nutrition business where the business could be operated at home office or anywhere at anytime. Same principle is applied here in this business. This business is operated at the home office. It is the Reselling cum marketing business made for techno savvy Housewives and students to earn the income through the alternate source or make it as a full income potential. This business is operated and administered by Roopashri R residing in Mangaluru, Karnataka.
Benefits of Shopping at I Shop Easily (ISE):
- Latest updates of new products on Instagram, Facebook walls:
New and trendy items related to fashionable footwear and apparels of Rapid Store will be advertised in Instagram account https://instagram.com/roopashri20221
Naari Series Shop of Shop Biz by WDT Apparels and Accessories Group’s products will be advertised on
Instagram account: https://instagram.com/roopashri20222 - Low Cost for the Best Products:
We deliver you the best products directly from wholesale suppliers and manufacturers at challenging affordable prices which you might use in offline shopping because the products are directly shipped from them and their warehouses. We don’t have too many processes involved in stocking of inventory, showroom maintenance and staff etc as you see in offline purchase. So you are rest assured that the prices charged will be affordable and reasonable by skip of these extra expenses. - Posh high-priced International branded products for those who do not compromise brand & quality for the low price:
For the wealthy people who do not want to compromise the highly refined brand & quality for the sake of low price, we have a good deal for you. We are associated with world’s best advertising network, Navya Kamal Group that provides access to reputed International Companies that ships worldwide its quality goods so that you get the best branded products right to your home. - Monthly update of the Navya Kamal Offers that includes all the amazing offers of the affiliated branded companies of I Shop Easily:
We will be monthly updating about the amazing offers at different featured companies so that you could shop and buy more products at affordable prices that are ensured with best quality.
- Offers Wide variety of Family Shopping needs and Solutions by variety of ways:
I Shop Easily covers all the demands of Family Shopping from physical products such as dresses to accessories to digital products & services. We have three Mega Blog cum Shop Websites,
(1) WDT, the Mega Trendy Items Theme-based Blog cum Shop: WDT is a trendy items related Mega theme-based Blog cum Shop website.
(2) Snehee, the Mega Friendly Items Theme-based Blog cum Shop: This theme-based Blog cum Shop features the friendly items from various eshops.
(3) RSGS, the Mega Lifestyle Items Theme-based Blog cum Shop: This theme-based Blog cum Shop features the Lifestyle related items belonging to a particular theme from the various eshops. - Prices are same in branded companies and here:
If you buy from any shops of Navya Kamal Affiliated Group of Companies through I Shop Easily Website links, you are not going to be charged extra. The prices remain the same whether you buy, avail the service from here or separately there. - “New and Best ISE Collections at reasonable low prices:
“Nithya Kamal (NK)”, Direct Factory Sale Shop of Rapid Store and “Navya Kamal (NK)”, the direct purchase affiliated shops are there for you to shop for new and best I Shop Easily collections at reasonable low prices. “Trendwise” is the shop that brings new trending items at budget friendly prices relating to kids and grown-ups who like to go with happening trend seasons. “Yummy Cook” is the shop that features top selling grocery items that you wish to add or blend with your delicious cooking. - Naari Theme-based Shops of WDT Apparels & Accessories Group:
“Naari Shop Biz”, “Naari Vaibhav” are the two Theme-based Shops of WDT Apparels & Accessories where you will have more choices with unique items pertaining to a particular category ensured with best quality and low prices. - Friendly customer service with concerns addressed
The administrator of this website, Roopashri R is herself the concerned person to address all your necessities and problems you may encounter while shopping here. The concerns with the items and services related to Ecommerce Companies are handled independently by the respective Companies Customer care. We will be available to address your concerns in the email provided here. The Contact Form, phone number is avoided here due to the Spam and anonymous emails that appear as genuine ones but are of suspicious nature and it is hard for us to distinguish between genuine and fraud ones in case of comments or messages from the unknown person. This might also tamper with smooth running of the website and shops that are made to serve you always. Hence, for also this reason, please note that in I Shop Easily, WDT, the comments are OFF and in Snehee, RSGS the comments are ON because it has the secure system to approve only the favourable comments. It is our earnest request to every visitor to kindly cooperate with this and not to misunderstand or mistrust us in this aspect. We want to make you clear that we really value each and every visitor whether they are our customer or not and this website is made for their everyone’s purpose and needs - Addition of new products periodically
New products will be added periodically from time to time so you don’t lose track of the updates in today’s shopping trends with great discounts and offers.
Don’t miss us. Join us on Social media and also here.